Faculty Profiles

We have assembled a distinguished group of academics from around the world, who are renowned for their cutting-edge research and exceptional industry experience. Their backgrounds and abilities mean they can offer students a deep and empowering understanding of international business.

Prof. Jaideep Sengupta Synergis-Geoffrey YEH Professor of Business, Chair Professor, Department of Marketing
Teaching & research expertise: Consumer information processing, persuasion and attitude strength, effects of marketing communications, self-regulation and self-control
Prof. Ellick Wong Professor, Department of Management;  Academic Director, HKUST MIMT Program
Teaching & research expertise: Managerial decision-making, Human judgment and decision processes, Language processing, Human attention
Prof. Joseph Salvacruz Professor of Business Practice, Department of Marketing
Teaching & research expertise: Strategic marketing management, branding, international marketing and business, food and agribusiness marketing, applied economics/econometrics
Prof. Stephen W. Nason Professor of Business Practice, Department of Management
Teaching & research expertise: International management and culture, organizational behavior, international HRM, international management, organizational learning, human resource management, organizational culture, organizational theory
Prof. Melody M. Chao Associate Professor, Department of Management
Teaching & research expertise: Globalization, multicultural psychology, group processes and intergroup relations, organizational behavior, normative judgments
Prof. Bilian Sullivan Associate Professor, Department of Management
Teaching & research expertise: Organizational learning and change, organizational and inter-organizational networks, international management, decision-making
Prof. Christopher J.S DoranAdjunct AssociateProfessor, Department of Management
Former Director of Strategic Planning and Development, A.S. Watsons MBA, INSEAD
Prof. Laurence C. FranklinAdjunct Professor, Department of Management
Former General Manager - Investments & Head Legal Counsel, Hutchison Whampoa MBA, JD, Stanford University